Fr. Agnel Balbhavan: In 2000 Fr. Agnel School realized its most earnest dream that of providing of homes for orphaned children, educate them and give them an opportunity to have a future. This was a project of collective response to our conscience's clarion call, that my brother's welfare and his needs are also my needs, and therefore I'm duty bound in any way I can, to reach out to him or her, as an expression of my solidarity with others.
This parking facility, build in Beta II Greater Noida, over several years in sheltering over 250 children from all over India. Thousands of generous people known and unknown responded generously to help this project happen and it is good to state with pride that the students and parents of Fr. Agnel School Delhi contributed significantly to the building of this project, and are doing so even now by helping maintaining it.
Fr. Agnel School went beyond the Call of Duty and did so by glazing a trail for others to follow, because that is what make an Agnelite "Big Hearts and Brave Minds." Each member of the Agnel Family, Management, Teachers, Parents and Students are people apart, because they made a difference by what they believe, profess and do.